Ways to Serve

“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.”

- 1 Peter 4:10

God has blessed us with unique gifts and talents to help others.

We welcome you to come join us and make a difference in someone else’s life!


ONE Media

The ONE Media team is responsible for all the media, lights, and production of our worship service. If you have an interest in photography, videography, or operating a camera for our Live Stream, sign up for our ONE Media team.

ONE Kids

Help us share the love of Jesus with our ONE Kids. We need you Sunday mornings, and occasional Wednesday nights, to help watch, teach, and entertain our infants to 5th graders.


We believe in the safety and security of our church members. Join the Safety team to help with our Parking or Security team.

ONE Worship

Our worship team is full of highly energetic, gifted musicians. Come and audition for our ONE Worship team!

ONE Youth

Become a mentor for our teens. Our ONE Youth is always looking for new volunteers to help out. Come ready to worship, pray, listen, and just hang out!

Are you a people person? We want your smiling face at our front doors! We have a place for you to serve as a greeter, usher, or point of connection at our Connect Center.

ONE Connect

Do you love marketing and all things social media? Volunteer to be part of our social media team today to keep our social media accounts updated!

Social Media

Our cafe ministry team works to create a unique, inviting atmosphere, serving gourmet coffee and cold, refreshing drinks. 

ONE Cafe

From the birth of a child, to the loss of a loved one, and all the special events in between, our ONE Care team works hard to prepare meals for you. 

ONE Care